Seeds vigor defined in the laboratory does not always reflect the final quality of seedlings produced under nursery conditions or even their survival in plantations. So, we studied the influence of Cedrela fissilis seed storage conditions on its emergence and the morphological quality of produced seedlings. Seeds were collected in October/2011, benefited, conditioned in closed glasses, and stored in three environments for a period of 515 days. Treatments consisted of: I - seedlings produced from seeds without storage (control); II - seedlings produced from seeds stored in a dry chamber; III - seedlings produced from seeds stored in a humid chamber; IV - Seedlings produced from seeds stored in an uncontrolled environment (laboratory). Sowing was performed in 50 cm³ plastic tubes filled with decomposed pinus bark and coconut fiber (50/50 v/v) and packed in a glasshouse. The study analyzed the percentage of seedlings emergence, mean seedlings emergence time, stem diameter, total height, the ratio between total height and stem diameter, shoot length, root length, total, root and shoot dry biomass, and Dickson quality index. Seed storage proved to be a negative factor for the emergence and vigor of C. fissilis seedlings, regardless of the storage environment. In addition, seeds vigor is a preponderant factor to increase seedlings' morphological quality, such as stem diameter and height.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Davi da Silva, Carlos André Stuepp, IVAR WENDLING, Cristiane Helm, Rosimeri de Oliveira Fragoso, Alessandro Camargo Angelo