Water Scarcity and Work Constraints in Semi-Arid Agricultural Regions: Current Challenges and Future Intervention Strategies


Food system
Water scarcity
Climate change
Circular economy

How to Cite

Sraïri MT, Assis L, Bentahar K. Water Scarcity and Work Constraints in Semi-Arid Agricultural Regions: Current Challenges and Future Intervention Strategies. Glob. J. Agric. Innov. Res. Dev [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];9:110-21. Available from: https://avantipublisher.com/index.php/gjaird/article/view/1361


This paper assesses the sustainability of agricultural water management in two contrasting regions of Morocco and examines the economic and volumetric water productivity of various crops and livestock products. Considering examples from the oasis areas in the East (Drâa oases) to the sub-humid Saïss plain in the North, we find that sustainable water use for certain crops may not be achievable due to intensive groundwater depletion. Furthermore, we show that livestock economic water productivity is often limited compared to crops, which may hide complex interactions between crops and livestock. These interactions provide diverse and steady sources of income for farmers, ensuring the resilience of farms in the face of climate, biotic, and economic risks. Our findings also suggest that the labor requirements of farming activities are burdensome, particularly for family members. Given the significant constraints affecting the agricultural sector, it would be too risky to continue promoting it as the main driver of the country's economy. The challenges posed by climate change and the need for more environmentally friendly practices mean that simple solutions cannot be relied upon for the future.



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Copyright (c) 2022 Mohamed Taher Sraïri, Lamya Assis , Khaoula Bentahar