Abstract: Seventeen Vertical Electrical soundings (VES) using the Schlumberger configuration with current electrode spacing of AB/2 = 80m were carried out in Song and environs of Adamawa State of Nigeria to study the groundwater potential. Sixteen VES showed a three-layer earth model; while the remaining one has four-layer earth model. The average thickness of the first layer is 2m with a mean resistivity of 75.14Ωm; representing the top soil and clay material. The second layer has an average thickness of 12.09m with a mean resistivity of 50.0Ωm. This layer is unconsolidated and highly weathered/fractured basement. The average resistivity value of the third layer is 5150Ωm and represents the fresh basement. Water samples were collected from Seven Boreholes (BH) and four Hand-Dug wells (HDW). The overall assessment of the sampled water in the area indicates an average pH value of 5.8, mean temperature of 28.96°C, an average turbidity value of 0.453NTU, and with a mean conductivity value of 159.39µs/cm. The water is mostly acidic with a moderate temperature, and turbidity. Total hardness has an average value of 98.78mg/l indicating a moderately soft water quality. All the Hand-Dug wells in the study area have high concentration of Nitrate and total Coliform count of 50.93mg/l to 67.17mg/l and 12cfu/ml to 27cfu/ml respectively. The high value can be attributed to anthropogenic activities such as chemical fertilizer application and indiscriminate dumping of house hold solid waste in the area as well as animals and human faeces. The high concentration of total coliform count was also observed in BH4 because of the shallow depth. Apart from the HDW and BH4 that are of shallow depth, the groundwater is generally good for human as well as industrial and agricultural uses.References
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