Morphometric Toolbox: A New Technique in Basin Morphometric Analysis Using ArcGIS



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Ayad Ali Faris Beg. Morphometric Toolbox: A New Technique in Basin Morphometric Analysis Using ArcGIS. Glob. J. Earth Sci. Eng. [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(2):21-30. Available from:


Morphometric analysis of rivers basins is recognized prominently in hydrologic and geomorphic studies. Morphometric parameters give clear evidences for evolution of the basins, including the denudation, surface runoff and subsurface infiltration, as well as the impact of geological formations and structures on the basin evolution. Several causes control the accuracy of morphometric analysis, including the way of data collection, source of data, resolution of digital elevation model (DEM) and measurement technique. In spite of all the efforts in carrying out different morphometric measurement techniques, the morphometric analyses are still suffering from flaw in accuracy and time consumption to get the needed results. The main objectives of current study are the automation of morphometric analysis, increasing the space of ArcGIS in field of morphometric analysis, modifying and adopting some new morphometric parameters to improve the evaluating of basin development stage. To achieve these aims, a morphometric toolbox for ArcGIS v. 10.x has been developed using Python programming language, and it's efficiently is confirmed with many typical and field samples of basins before setting up the toolbox for end users. In current study the toolbox has evaluated by conducting morphometric analysis on several large basins including Dyala river basin; extended on area of 26627 square kilometres. The results show the importance of the new technique in calculation of morphometric parameters for large basins, as well as time saving, reducing the needed inputs and efforts, besides the flexibility of using different types of DEM data in the analysis.


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