A Unique View on Carbon Dioxide Emissions around the World


Carbon dioxide, CO2 emission, Environmental pollution, Fossil fuels, Global warming.

How to Cite

Sohaib J. Mohammed, G. Ali Mansoori. A Unique View on Carbon Dioxide Emissions around the World. Glob. J. Earth Sci. Eng. [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4(1):8-17. Available from: https://avantipublisher.com/index.php/gjese/article/view/732


 Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission substantially contributes to the global warming. Its anthropogenic effects accounts for about two-third of the overall environmental pollutions. Fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and natural gas) combustion is responsible for most of the human-made CO2 release. In this article, we present and compare, in several new and unique ways, the CO2 emission in selected populated countries in all continents, which are known as highly active in fossil and/or renewable energy production / use. They include Algeria, Australia, Brazil, China, Iraq, Italy and USA. We also include the State of Illinois, USA, which is the outmost active state in fossil and renewable energy production and use, and is a pioneer state in dealing with carbon dioxide control and sequestration. By comparing the above regions with the related data of the entire world it reveals a great deal about the activities going on around the world. This may provide policymakers and environmentalists a more proper roadmap in dealing with carbon dioxide emission control policy and planning.


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