Evaluation of Mine Water Quality Based on Bayesian Theory MODEL of AHP-EWM Combined Weighting Method


Water quality evaluation
entropy weight method
analytic hierarchy process
Bayesian theory

How to Cite

Yifei Liu, Deming Zhang, Chuanchen Wang. Evaluation of Mine Water Quality Based on Bayesian Theory MODEL of AHP-EWM Combined Weighting Method. Glob. J. Earth Sci. Eng. [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];7(1):54-62. Available from: https://avantipublisher.com/index.php/gjese/article/view/958


In view of the fuzziness and randomness of groundwater quality evaluation and the rationality and scientificity
of the weight in the evaluation process, in order to establish an objective, scientific and convenient mine water
environment evaluation system and improve the accuracy of the evaluation results, AHP and EWM weight method are
combined to obtain the weight value, which is coupled with Bayesian water quality evaluation model. In this paper, seven
water quality evaluation factors and ten groups of water samples are selected to analyze the application of mine water in
Shengquan coal mine, Shandong Province. At the same time, the single factor evaluation method, equal weight
Bayesian model and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are used to compare with the evaluation results to verify
the accuracy of the evaluation results of the model. The results show that the water quality evaluation model of
combined weighted Bayesian model is reasonable for mine water quality evaluation, which not only distinguishes the
difference of each evaluation factor's contribution to water quality, but also makes a more accurate evaluation of water
quality, and the calculation process is simple, which avoids the complexity of multiple indicators of traditional methods,
and provides a scientific basis for comprehensive utilization of mine water in mining area, so the evaluation method is




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