A thermoelectric generator (TEG) converts thermal energy to electricity using thermoelectric effects. The amount of electrical energy produced is dependent on the thermoelectric material properties. Researchers have applied nanomaterials to TEG systems to further improve the device’s efficiency. Furthermore, the geometry of the thermoelectric legs has been varied from rectangular to trapezoidal and even X-cross sections to improve TEG’s performance further. However, up to date, a nanomaterial TEG that uses tapered thermoelectric legs has not been developed before. The most efficient nanomaterial TEGs still make use of the conventional rectangular leg geometry. Hence, for the first time since the conception of nanostructured thermoelectrics, we introduce a trapezoidal shape configuration in the device design. The leg geometries were simulated using ANSYS software and the results were post-processed in the MATLAB environment. The results show that the power density of the nanoparticle X-leg TEG was 10 times greater than that of the traditional bulk material semiconductor X-leg TEG. In addition, the optimum leg geometry configuration in a nanomaterial-based TEG is dependent on the operating solar radiation intensity.
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