This study assesses the performance of organic Rankine cycle-based waste heat recovery systems under different working fluids and operating conditions. The basic ORC (BORC) and ORC with recuperator (RORC) are investigated for power generation and economy using toluene and benzene. Thermodynamic and economic indicators are studied at various expander inlet temperatures, expander inlet pressure, evaporation temperature, and condensation temperature. RORC achieves higher ηth by reducing heat source in the evaporator whereas BORC recovers more waste heat and improves Pnet. With toluene, BORC improves Pnet when increasing the expander inlet temperature and pressure. The lowest LCOE of 0.0532 US$/kWh is from BORC operated with toluene at a Pnet of 349 kW and decreases with an increase in expander inlet temperature. The addition of a recuperator adds to the costs of initial investment and LCOE and slightly improves the performance of the ORCs for waste heat recovery.
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