Buildings are the leading energy consuming sector, representing about 40% of the final energy consumption in Europe. Different key performance indicators are available that can support the diverse needs and priorities of stakeholders in their efforts to improve the overall energy performance of buildings. The work first reviews the energy use and characteristics of European buildings, the main European legislation and technical developments that drive the efforts for lowering energy consumption. The main indicators that are used during the design, construction and operation of buildings are elaborated and when possible quantified, along with pertinent standards and regulations for guidance. Using common energy related indicators, a case study then focuses on Hellenic buildings and provides an insight on their performance, exploiting data from energy performance certificates. The contents document relevant work in information and communications technology for delivering simulation, modelling, analysis, monitoring and visualization tools, along with ongoing efforts to exploit building typologies for realistic assessment of energy use, during the design and operation of buildings. Future priorities are also outlined that support the ongoing European efforts to refurbish the existing building stock and the decision making process for setting effective policies towards nearly zero energy buildings.References
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