Comparison Among Monte Carlo Based Burnup Codes Applied to the GFR Demonstrator ALLEGRO


MCNP, Serpent, Monteburns, ALLEGRO, GFR, Generation-IV, Fast Reactors, Neutronics.

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Davide Chersola, Guglielmo Lomonaco, Guido Mazzini. Comparison Among Monte Carlo Based Burnup Codes Applied to the GFR Demonstrator ALLEGRO. Glob. J. Energ. Technol. Res. Updat. [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(1):1-10. Available from:


 This paper aims to compare three Monte Carlo (MC) burnup based codes, i.e. MCNP6, Monteburns and Serpent on a future prototype reactor, named ALLEGRO, based on Gas cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) technology. GFR reactors are one of the proposed Generation-IV fast reactors; ALLEGRO facility is scheduled to be built in Europe as a GFR demonstrator, so its deepened simulation can help in its future development. The present study follows other researches already performed and aims to exhibit the different approaches in burnup calculations applied to a gas cooled fast reactors, i.e. this paper would like to show and to compare some results concerning nuclear parameters as keff and flux spectra, as well as the mass inventories versus burnup for some nuclides evaluated with different Monte Carlo codes. From obtained results, it seems to exist some differences in evaluation of nuclear parameters, mainly in effective multiplication factor and in mass inventories. The remaining differences are mainly related to calculation time: indeed between the fastest, that is SERPENT, and the slowest, that are MCNP6 and MONTEBURNS, the differences are about one order of magnitude. As far as precision is concerned, it was considered the standard only for effective multiplication factor and it seems that all codes are in good agreement.


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