This work present the results from an in-depth analysis of data from about 120,000 energy performance certificates in order to gain a better understanding of the energy use and carbon emissions of non-residential (NR) buildings in Greece. The analysis is performed for all different building uses, construction periods and Hellenic climate zones. This is a first step for generating new knowledge about the NR building stock in Greece and deriving compatible energy asset metrics that can be used for assessing NR buildings independent from their operation and occupancy. The mean (median in parenthesis) primary energy use intensity is 539.5 (442.6) kWh/m2 and emissions reach 170.0 (141.4) kgCO2/m2. The derived energy baselines reveal that indoor sports halls/swimming pools are the most energy intensive facilities, while schools have the lowest energy use, due to their operational patterns. Lighting is the most energy consuming service, followed by cooling, space heating and a very low domestic hot water use.References
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Copyright (c) 2018 Kalliopi G. Droutsa, Constantinos A. Balaras, Elena G. Dascalaki, Simon Kontoyiannidis, Athanassios A. Argiriou