The Portland cement is one of the most important building materials and highly employed by mankind. Its high participation in human development, as a basic material for any type of construction, characterizes the cement industry as one of the main sectors for the economic and social development. It represents approximately 3% of energy consumption in Minas Gerais (MG), a Brazilian State. To perform this study, it was collected a set of energy consumption parameters and process data, besides economic indicators. Minas Gerais houses the majority of cement plants installed in Brazil. Each stage of production was identified and quantified as related to the energy consumption. Initially, the projection of the final consumption of the main energy sources was developed with the average growth method. Then, the future energy demand was calculated using the ENPEP-BALANCE model, for a 20-year analysis period. Results showed that the final energy demand of this sector in the State of Minas Gerais could vary from 1,475 to 2,642 thousand toe, which represents about 34% more or less 15% of the registered demand of the base year. Last, CO2 emissions were projected for the considered scenarios.References
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Copyright (c) 2018 Fernando M. Costa, Antonella L. Costa, Ricardo B. Pinheiro