Metal panels are one of the most common roofs covering in Malaysian buildings. Nevertheless, the commercial metal roof is generally known as not being effective enough in reflecting sunlight and emitting thermal energy. Hence, innovative coating solutions were developed and analysed in terms of their thermal performance. Seashells and woodchips were used as the raw materials to develop the innovative coating. Thermocouple modules were integrated with Arduino to measure the surface temperatures of 3 roof prototype, Prototype A (commercial metal panel), Prototype B (with woodchips coating) and Prototype C (with seashells coating). Their temperature profiles were investigated, and their thermal performance was analysed, and from that, the overall heat transfer coefficient (U value) was calculated. It was found that temperature for Prototype C was the lowest in the range of 32 to 50ºC, while Prototype A were in the range of 32 to 60ºC, and there is no significant difference between prototype A and B. In addition, temperature difference for Prototype C are always in positive values, reaching as high as 6ºC in the afternoon. The other 2 prototypes fluctuated between the range of - 4ºC and 4ºC. These results were proved with the U-values calculated in which UA was 217 W/m2K, UB was 44 W/m2K and UC is 69.6 W/m2K. However, UB contradicts with the temperature profile results. Overall, Prototype C, with seashells coating shows promising results as material of innovative roof based coating.References
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