Structural Stability Assessment of a Masonry Chimney Subjected to Shocks by Vibration Measurements


Tall structures, Masonry chimney, Structural stability, Structural monitoring, Vibration measurements.

How to Cite

F. Telch, G. Lacidogna, O. Rösch. Structural Stability Assessment of a Masonry Chimney Subjected to Shocks by Vibration Measurements. Int. J. Archit. Eng. Technol. [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(1):38-51. Available from:


 Nowadays buildings can be stressed and shocked in different ways. Rail and road traffic, demolition work, machines, bells, wind and human movement itself can burden structures and disturb people. Not only a vibration prognosis, but also a monitoring during certain work is important to ensure buildings’ stability. A masonry chimney subject to shocks due to demolition works of surrounding halls was examined by using a new vibration measuring technique. This paper describes this new technique and its application during monitoring. For the measurement technique, the limit values of the German standard DIN 4150-3 were used and the events where this reference values exceeded, were examined in detail. A dynamic analysis of the structure, where the natural frequencies and their modal masses were determined, shows that the frequency-dependent reference values of the German standard DIN4150-3 for the protection of structures, include a relatively high safety factor. A possible exceeding of the values does not immediately lead to a loss of stability.


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