The Potential Use of Raw Iron Ore in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis


Catalyst costing
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Iron ore
Mechanical strength
Step-based method

How to Cite

Mubenesha S, Okoye-Chine CG, Ramutsindela FK, Gorimbo J, Moyo M, Liu X. The Potential Use of Raw Iron Ore in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];8:99-115. Available from:


Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis has been studied in the literature as a greener pathway to cleaner and sustainable hydrocarbons production. However, the cost to upscale laboratory FT formulations to pilot scale is significantly expensive. This work proposes a cheaper and scalable low-temperature FT modified iron ore catalyst that is mechanically suited for fixed bed reactors. The mechanical strength reported in this investigation was three times more than commercial alumina spherical pellets and, therefore, suitable for pilot scale scenarios. A manufacturing cost analysis of iron ore was estimated to be US$38.45/kg using the CatCost model, and the conventionally prepared iron catalyst was US$71.44/kg using the same model. The manufacturing cost estimations of modified iron ore were found to be 46% cheaper than a conventional commercial iron catalyst. The catalytic performance of the modified iron ore catalyst showed a CO conversion of 72.1% ±4.24, with WGS and C5+ selectivity 48.6% ±1.96 and 83.2% ± 5.24, respectively. These findings were comparable (both in CO conversion and product selectivity) to the ones reported by other researchers.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Samuel Mubenesha, Chike George Okoye-Chine, Franscina Katuchero Ramutsindela, Joshua Gorimbo, Mahluli Moyo, Xinying Liu