Overview of In-Situ Gelation Behavior of Gel Systems in Porous Media


Gel systems
Development tendency
In-situ gelation behavior
Cross-linked polymer gel

How to Cite

Wang X, Zhou W, Xin C, Mouhouadi RD. Overview of In-Situ Gelation Behavior of Gel Systems in Porous Media. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];9:26-32. Available from: https://avantipublisher.com/index.php/ijpt/article/view/1279


Cross-linked polymer gel has been widely applied in profile control and water plugging due to its effective cost, wide suitability, excellent performance, and flexible gelation time. Previous research mainly focused on the bottle tests, reaction kinetics, and rheological properties of the gels, but the works of literature about the in situ gelations of gel placement in the porous media are relatively few. The study of the in-situ gelation behavior of gel systems is widely summarized in this paper, and the research tendency is proposed. The important practical questions, including the accurate lateral distance of gel placement, the variation of gel properties, and the injection pressure profile in the process of gel injection, should be resolved by laboratory and numerical research to enhance gel treatment success rate.



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Copyright (c) 2022 Xiaoxue Wang, Wei Zhou, Cuiping Xin, Richie D. Mouhouadi