Study on the Influence Law of Temperature Profile of Water Injection Well


Orthogonal test
Water injection well
Temperature profile prediction model
The influence law of temperature profile

How to Cite

Hanbin Z, Wenqiang L, Hongwen L, Haitao L, Hansong M, Ying L, Beibei J, Yuxing X, Qin Z. Study on the Influence Law of Temperature Profile of Water Injection Well. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2023 May 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];10:1-13. Available from:


Due to the lack of knowledge on the influence law of the temperature profile of layered water injection wells, it is still highly challenging to quantitatively diagnose the water injection profile of layered water injection wells using distributed optical fiber temperature sensing (DTS). In this paper, a temperature profile prediction model for layered water injection wells has been developed by considering the micro-thermal effect and non-isothermal reservoir seepage. The influence of various single-factor changes on the temperature profile of layered water injection wells is simulated and analyzed. Orthogonal experiment analysis results demonstrate that the sensitivity of different factors on wellbore temperature from strong to weak is the injection temperature of the water, injection time, water injection rate, wellbore diameter, formation thermal conductivity, wellbore trajectory, and the permeability of injection formations (Tinj>t>Qinj>D>Kt>θ>k). The injection temperature of water, injection time, and water injection rate are the dominant factors affecting the temperature profile of water injection wells. The results of this paper provide a theoretical foundation for the accurate evaluation of the water injection profile and water injection scheme optimization for the layered water injection wells.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Zhu Hanbin, Liu Wenqiang, Luo Hongwen, Li Haitao, Ma Hansong, Li Ying, Jiang Beibei, Xiang Yuxing, Zhang Qin