Amplitude Variation with Offsets and Azimuths Simultaneous Inversion for Elastic and Fracture Parameters


Fracture weaknesses
Seismic scattering coefficient
Stable phase approximation.

How to Cite

Zhaoyun Zong, Xingyao Yin, Guochen Wu. Amplitude Variation with Offsets and Azimuths Simultaneous Inversion for Elastic and Fracture Parameters. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1(2):41-7. Available from:


Azimuthal elastic inversion or AVO/AVA analysis has proven to be effective for fracture description and stress evaluation in unconventional resource plays. Fracture weakness including normal and tangential weakness from linear slip theory bridge the seismic data and fracturing parameters as intermediate parameters. However, the stability of the azimuthal elastic inversion methods available for anisotropic parameters or fracture parameters in field data remains challenging. This study explores a practical azimuthal simultaneous elastic inversion method in heterogeneous medium for fracture weakness estimation. Taking the heterogeneity and anisotropy of fracture media into consideration, and based on perturbation theory and stable phase approximation, the fracture medium can be considered as the superimposition of background medium and perturbation medium, and then the seismic scattering coefficient of fracture media can be derived. This equation establishes the relationship between seismic data and fracture weakness together with elastic parameters like P-wave and S-wave moduli and weaknesses. With this equation, a heterogeneous inversion method is proposed. This method implements the estimation of P-wave and S-wave moduli and fracture weaknesses simultaneously, and the constraint from initial model and multi-iterations enhances the stability of this method. In this approach, the parameters of the perturbation medium are initially estimated, and then they can be superposed to the parameters of the known background medium as the renewal parameters of the background medium in next iteration. We can yield the final estimation of the parameters in heterogeneous medium after several iterations when the last two estimated results are similar. Model test and field data examples verify the feasibility and potential of the proposed approach.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Zhaoyun Zong, Xingyao Yin, Guochen Wu