Phenol and Parachlorophenol Removal Using Granular Activated Carbon


Granular Activated Carbon.

How to Cite

Muzher Mahdi Ibrahem Aldoury, Nadia Nazhat Sabeeh. Phenol and Parachlorophenol Removal Using Granular Activated Carbon. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1(2):48-60. Available from:


The main goal of the present work is to remove phenol and parachlorophenol from synthetic solution using granular activated carbon (GAC). Two carbon types are used, the first is commercial supplied to Iraqi market by Spanish company (referred to as CGAC) and the second is manufactured using Iraqi waste material, referred to as MGAC. The experiments are performed according to batch and continuous mode (granular activated carbon adsorption column). The results show that both pollutants can be removed and the breakthrough and exhaustion times are proportional with the thickness of GAC and inversely proportional with the inlet pollutants concentration and surface over flow rate (SOR). The results also indicated that adsorption capacity is inversely proportional with SOR and it is directly proportional with the thickness of GAC column and pollutants concentration. MGAC gives better performance as compared with CGAC. In the present work, it is proved that adsorption capacity is a function of the operating conditions, carbon and adsorbent type and it is not pure carbon property. The results indicated also that Langmuir model fit the experimental data fairly.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Muzher Mahdi Ibrahem Aldoury, Nadia Nazhat Sabeeh