Characterisation of Ring Testing in the Design of Offshore Oil Transportation Systems


Ring collapse test
pipe qualification
out of roundness
seal friction
plastic buckling.

How to Cite

Federico Guarracino, Aldo Giordano. Characterisation of Ring Testing in the Design of Offshore Oil Transportation Systems. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2015 Apr. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(1):7-17. Available from:


The manufacturing procedure qualification tests (MPQT) of offshore pipelines projects has recently started to rely on ring collapse tests, which consist in testing a short section (50 mm) of a full scale joint. This approach is capable of providing valuable insight into the collapse behaviour of offshore pipelines and has practical, financial and logistic benefits.

Detailed analytical and numerical work has been carried out in order to understand the collapse mechanisms and the influence of several parameters, like geometry, material strength and seal friction, on the collapse behaviour has been investigated.

It is found that the shape of the initial imperfection and the seal friction can both affect the collapse and produce a variation in the value of the collapsing pressure.


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