Petroleum Geology: Science and Practice in the 21st Century. New Ideas and Paradigms


Origin of petroleum
rehabilitation cycles
residual oil
«life» of an oilfield

How to Cite

N. P. Zapivalov. Petroleum Geology: Science and Practice in the 21st Century. New Ideas and Paradigms. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(2):40-4. Available from:


Oil-and-gas-saturated stratum is an integral interrelated system of rocks (minerals) and fluids (oil, gas, and water). Being a «living» fluid-rock system, it is subject to the laws of auto regulation. It is necessary that research and practical efforts be focused on study and control of the oilfield «life».


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