Physical-Chemical Properties of Water-in-Diesel Fuel Emulsions


Water-in-diesel emulsion
shear rate
shear stress

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Mohamed Y. E. Selim, Mamdouh T. Ghannam, Adel M. M. Hussein. Physical-Chemical Properties of Water-in-Diesel Fuel Emulsions. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(2):45-52. Available from:


The addition of water dispersed phase into the diesel continuous phase will lead to the formation of water-in-diesel (W/D) emulsion, which significantly reduces the pollution level of NOx and particulate matters in the diesel engines. Small amount, 0.2% by volume, of surfactant material was necessary in the preparation of a stable W/D emulsion. The study of the physical and chemical properties of stable W/D emulsions is important to understand the flow behavior characteristics of these emulsions. Pure diesel fuel and three samples of W/D emulsions (10%, 20% and 30% by volume water) were examined in this study. The following properties are measured according to the corresponding ASTM standards for the pure diesel and its emulsions with 10%, 20% and 30% water: heating value, pour point, flash point, distillation data, density, viscosity, calculated cetane index, total acid number, and sulfur content. The addition of water in the emulsion caused a drop in the calorific value, final boiling point, cetane index, total acid number, and sulfur content. Increasing the water also increased the pour point, flash point, and density.


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