Volume Fracturing Technology Application in the World's Largest Conglomerate Oil Field, Northwest of China


Tight conglomerate, Sweet spots, Volume fracturing, Mahu Sag, Engineering application.

How to Cite

Li Rong, Yang Sen, Gong Hao, Yang Lei, Wang Jiahao, Liu Limin. Volume Fracturing Technology Application in the World’s Largest Conglomerate Oil Field, Northwest of China. Int. J. Petrol. Technol. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];7:34-4. Available from: https://avantipublisher.com/index.php/ijpt/article/view/830


 One billion-ton super large oil field of Mahu is the largest oil and gas exploration achievement in China in recent years and has become the most realistic replacement area for increasing reserves and production in China as the world's largest conglomerate oil field till now. According to the complex reservoir-forming conditions in Mahu Sag, poor reservoir property, strong heterogeneity, and large sand body span, hydraulic fracturing in this area was facing serious challenges in fracture initiation and proppant placement. It has deepened the concept of volume fracturing technology and improved the effect of reconstruction; advanced chemicals to optimize replacement and reduce costs; tackled key perforation bridge plug with production technology to improve the level of operation according to 5 year’s stimulation experiences. The volume fracturing series technologies have been widely applied in 11 blocks and 97 wells in Mahu, including most of the exploration, evaluation, and development areas. For the tight conglomerate oil reservoir of Mahu, the fracturing and producing effects accompanied by economic development have been realized and effectively promoted, thus the average cumulative production increased by 37.5% per year.


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