Non-stationary time series prediction is challenging due to its dynamic and complex nature. Fuzzy time series models offer a promising solution for forecasting such data, but a key challenge lies in partitioning the universe of discourse, which significantly impacts forecasting accuracy. Traditional fuzzy time series models often use equal-length interval partitioning, which is more suited for stationary data and limits their adaptability to non-stationary time series. This paper introduces a novel variable-length interval partitioning method designed specifically for non-stationary time series. The developed method combines a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Autoencoder with K-means clustering, enabling dynamic, data-driven partitioning that adapts to the changing characteristics of the data. The LSTM Autoencoder encodes the time series, which is clustered using K-means, and intervals are defined based on cluster centers. Furthermore, the Variable Length Interval Partitioning-based Fuzzy Time Series model (VLIFTS) is developed by incorporating this partitioning method and the concepts of Markov chain and transition probability matrix. In this model, fuzzy sets are viewed as states of a Markov chain, and transition probabilities are used in the forecasting phase. The model is validated on stock market indices Nifty 50, NASDAQ, S&P 500, and Dow Jones. Stationarity and heteroscedasticity are tested using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Levene's tests respectively. Statistical forecast accuracy metrics Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) show that VLIFTS significantly improves forecasting accuracy over traditional models. This hybrid approach enhances fuzzy time series modelling and can be applied to various non-stationary time series forecasting problems.
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