Numerical Study of Heat Transfer and Comfort Conditions in an Air-Cooled Ventilated Room with a Human Heat Source


Turbulent heat transfer, ventilated room, discrete heat generation, radiative exchange.

How to Cite

Z. C. Briceño, J. F. Hinojosa. Numerical Study of Heat Transfer and Comfort Conditions in an Air-Cooled Ventilated Room with a Human Heat Source. J. Adv. Therm. Sci. Res. [Internet]. 2016 Jul. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];3(1):1-11. Available from:


 A numerical study of the turbulent heat transfer in a two-dimensional rectangular air-cooled ventilated room with a human being as a discrete heat source was carried out in order to determine the best ventilation configuration. The results were obtained for a cavity of 2.5 m of height and 3.0 m of width. The right and left vertical walls of the cavity were kept at 35°C and 25°C respectively, whereas the remaining walls were adiabatic. Three cases for the air inlet and outlet locations were considered for the analysis. The air enters to the cavity at 15°C with speeds between 0.2 m/s and 2.0 m/s. The emissivity of the cavity walls was considered as 0, 0.5 and 1. The results indicate that the configuration (A) (inlet on the lower part of the right vertical wall and outlet on the upper part of the left vertical wall) offers the lowest average temperatures inside the room and the highest temperature distribution effectiveness.


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