Performance Evaluation of a Modified DC Compressor Powered by Solar Energy


Photovoltaic, solar energy, DC compressor, energy analysis, mini fridge, solar radiation.

How to Cite

Orhan Ekren. Performance Evaluation of a Modified DC Compressor Powered by Solar Energy. J. Adv. Therm. Sci. Res. [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];4(1):20-3. Available from:


 In this study, a modified direct current compressor (MDC) is tested experimentally. The experimental study is conducted in order to observe the performance of a solar energy powered MDC. Then, the performance of this MDC is compared with brand new direct current compressors (BNDC) in the market. The experimental setup has a mini fridge with 50 liters capacity, a photovoltaic panel, a battery, a charge regulator and measurement equipments. Also, a pyranometer is used to define solar radiation on the photovoltaic panel. Experiments are conducted for various cabinet loads such as no storage items, low, nominal and over load at steady state condition.


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