The negative environmental impacts of internal combustion engines have changed the interest of scientists towards fuel cell engines. Using Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell operating under higher temperature solves some of the well-known low temperature problems. In this study, a numerical simulation has been carried out using a three-dimensional model in COMSOL to evaluate the performance of high temperature PEM (HT-PEM) fuel cell under different conditions. The obtained polarization curve for selected voltage was compared with published experimental data, and it shows a good agreement. The simulation results in terms of reactants (hydrogen and oxygen) concentrations and water production on the anode and cathode sides is presented. The influences of some key parameters on HT-PEM fuel cell performance were investigated. It was found that as the temperature and pressure increase, the performance of the HT-PEM fuel cell improves. The enhanced reaction rate and a better supply of reactants were observed to have a positive influence on HT-PEM fuel cell performance. Additionally, the results show that considering a higher permeation rate on the gas diffusion layer can enhance the performance of the fuel cell. This work provides a guideline to design and optimize a HT-PEM fuel cell with a better capability.
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