Behavior in Oxidation at 1000°C of Carbon-Containing Equimolar CoNiFeMnCr Alloys Added with Hafnium or Tantalum with High Contents


High temperature
Equimolar HEA alloys

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Berthod P. Behavior in Oxidation at 1000°C of Carbon-Containing Equimolar CoNiFeMnCr Alloys Added with Hafnium or Tantalum with High Contents. J. Chem. Eng. Res. Updates. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];9:60-71. Available from:


In this work, HfC–and TaC–reinforced cast versions of the equimolar CoNiFeMnCr alloy (Cantor) were tested in oxidation at 1000°C in laboratory air. Chromium seemingly shared, with manganese, its role as a selectively oxidized element. The principal oxide to form externally was an M2O3 one in which Mn and Cr were present in various proportions depending on the proximity with the alloy’s surface. The HfC carbides close to the oxidation front were oxidized in situ in HfO2, with the release of carbon diffusing inwards after that and inducing the solid-state precipitation of blocky or acicular chromium carbides. The behavior of the TaC carbides present close to the oxidation front was different since they dissolved, and Ta diffused towards the oxidation front to form CrTaO4 oxides. Even after 50 hours at 1000°C, the subsurfaces were more or less deeply impoverished in Cr and Mn, with minimal contents meager, especially for Mn. The evaluation of the Cr and Mn quantities and the exploitation of results in terms of equivalent oxide thickness and kinetic oxidation constant demonstrates that the resistance of the alloys against oxidation is feeble and must be significantly improved to allow benefiting of the superior high-temperature mechanical resistances of such alloys in practical application. For that, some ways are proposed.


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