Management of Security Risk in the Energy Field


Internal auditing
safety risk

How to Cite

Gabriel Vasilescu, Passca Mihaela, Mihail Vătăsescu, Ciprian Jitea. Management of Security Risk in the Energy Field. Glob. Environ. Eng. [Internet]. 2014 Nov. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1(1):24-8. Available from:


An integrated method for an efficient internal auditing of OHS applicable to the work systems met in hydrotechnical and hydroelectrical operations has been devised as part of the program NUCLEU/2010-2011 – Project PN 07 45 01 12.

This project represents an approach in compliance with the European and national requirments aiming at increasing OHS level for companies involved in water construction works and also provides sustainability to the related environment.


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OHSAS 18000 series: (derived from a British Standard, OHSAS is intended to be compatible with ISO 9000 and 14000 series standards, but is not itself an ISO standard).

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2014 Gabriel Vasilescu, Passca Mihaela, Mihail Vătăsescu, Ciprian Jitea